Between Tides/Unseen

Taylor Galleries, 16 Kildare St, Dublin Mon-Fri 10.30am- 5.30pm, Sat 11am-3pm Until Dec 8 01-6766055

Taylor Galleries, 16 Kildare St, Dublin Mon-Fri 10.30am- 5.30pm, Sat 11am-3pm Until Dec 8 taylorgalleries.ie01-6766055

Linda Ruttelynck and Pat Harris are partners and their two shows, each occupying a floor of the Taylor Gallery, are different but complementary. Both share a fascination with the sea and with slow processes of erosion and decay. And they both find much of their subject matter on the north Mayo coastline.

Harris is well known for his still lifes of blooms, in which intense bursts of colour on the canvas linger like memories of something long since faded. Similarly his landscapes, of sea stacks and shorelines, capture the ultimate fragility of what is apparently hard and durable in beautifully sensitive paintings (above).

In her photographic works, Ruttelynck is drawn to flotsam and waste materials that are washed ashore or sporadically appear and disappear with the tides. These transient, fading objects have a symbolic presence that reflect the vast currents of time and space with which they interact.


Can't see that? Catch this:Flora Lucida Linenhall Arts Centre,Castlebar, Co Mayo