
7 cert, Activision, PS3 (also on Xbox 360, PC) ****

7 cert, Activision, PS3 (also on Xbox 360, PC) ****

The racing genre has a new contender: Blur, a high-octane, fast-paced game that delivers a thrilling ride. The delayed title is made by the same people who created Project Gotham – Bizarre Creations – and, as expected, it's pretty impressive. It's not a pure racing game; it combines arcade elements with real-world cars and locations, allowing you to use power-ups to boost your speed, blast your opponents out of the way or even use mines to take out the competition. In Career mode, you pit yourself against the best drivers out there in nine groups that cover seven challenges. You could be required to be first past the post, destroy opponents or beat the clock. Each group ends with a one-on-one race or boss battle. Multiplayer mode allows you to play against friends, online or create a custom group where you can race in your favourite way.