Cover Orange

Gen cert, FDG Entertainment, iPod Touch (also iPhone, iPad) ****

Gen cert, FDG Entertainment, iPod Touch (also iPhone, iPad) ****

Hyped as the new Angry Birds, Cover Orangemay well become a source of competition for the bad-tempered foul. Like the best app games, the premise is simple and well executed. Your task revolves around protecting innocent oranges from the ravages of acid rain (topical!). This is done by making shelter for the oranges with blocks or barrels, or by manipulating them into places of safety. You can drop an object close to a cannon, for instance, that will fire and catapult the orange into a safe place. The physics are consistent and sound, which is just as well, because the puzzles can be tricky. It's a pleasant-looking game: The animation and graphics are cute, from the mean-faced clouds to the blue-eyed oranges. Cover Orangeis as addictive as it is adorable.