Crysis 2

GAME OF THE WEEK: 18 cert, EA, PS3 (also Xbox, PC) ****

GAME OF THE WEEK:18 cert, EA, PS3 (also Xbox, PC) ****

Crysis 2has been eagerly awaited ever since it was shown off at E3 last year. Developer Crytek certainly hasn't disappointed, as the game blends incredible action sequences with amazing graphics.

In the middle of an alien invasion, the only way to survive is get blasting. You begin the game as Alcatraz, a marine who, given a nanosuit by the mysterious Prophet, become the saviour of New York City. Not only do you have to fight the spreading Ceph infection, but you have to watch out for the soldiers who are determined to take down Prophet.

But Crysis 2isn't about simply using brute force to fight your way through each stage. You'll need all your skill and tactical ability to survive attacks from all sides.


That’s where the high-tech nanosuit helps. It has a number of abilities: armour, which renders you almost impervious to damage; stealth, which makes you invisible; and strength, which allows you to turn large items such as cars into projectiles. All these actions will drain power from the suit, however, so clever movement and balancing of these functions is required.

Crytek promised a beautiful game and using its new game engine, CryEngine 3, it certainly delivers. The environments are apocalyptic and compelling.

It’s not perfect – the action falters at times, and certain events are left puzzingly unexplained. Still, the action moves so quickly that any plotholes are forgivable.

Crysis 2is an FPS that will hold your attention, despite some heavy-duty competition.