Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

GAME REVIEW: Mature Cert, Sunstorm Interactive, Xbox Live ***

GAME REVIEW:Mature Cert, Sunstorm Interactive, Xbox Live ***

It's ironic that a re-issue of an old Duke Nukemgame feels fresh; the Dukefranchise helped create the first-person shooter as we know it, but this version is a side-scrolling action game, a rare type now. Isn't it sad that developers have all but abandoned some old game genres?

Anyway, this time Duke (part John Wayne, part Schwarzenegger) has to defend New York by fighting a horde of mutant terrorist were-pigs. Initially armed with a handgun, he gets heavier duty weapons as he progresses. Game play is fluid and controls are pretty good: Duke can slide, kick, and even latch onto ladders as he falls past them. Some might find searching for objects a little tiresome, but it doesn’t take up too much of the game. In fact, it’s aged well and (terrible voice-acting aside), this is a well-paced and fun old-school shooter.