Fret Nice

7 cert, Techmo Koei Europe, PSN

7 cert, Techmo Koei Europe, PSN

It’s a nice idea: A 2D platform game that you can play with your guitar controller. Multi- eyed aliens have taken over the world, but certain sounds are harmful to them. As a member of The Vibrant Chordblasters, armed with a mighty axe, your task is to play the right power chords to vanquish the intruders.

There's much to admire in Fret Nice. The graphics are cute and imaginative, almost cubist. And the gameplay is inventive, with different chord sequences needed to kill different enemies. The rock theme is amusing, as are the big-headed avatars. For those who like to customise, you can make changes to your character, but I was happy with the selection available and chose one who looked like Ringo in Yellow Submarine.

This is an entertaining, distinctive game. If the controls were a little less fussy, it would be a must-buy.