Hole In The Wall

7 cert, Microsoft, Xbox, (Kinect Controls) ***

7 cert, Microsoft, Xbox, (Kinect Controls) ***

Fans of Saturday evening TV will be familiar with Hole in the Wall, the ingeniously simple (and humiliating) gameshow. The concept is basic: contestants stand while a wall approaches them on a giant conveyer belt. There's (yep) a hole in the wall cut to a specific pose, which the contestant has to reproduce, be it a lotus pose, a star-shaped jump or a salute. There's endless scope. Hold the pose for long enough, and you pass through the gap unscathed. Like Kinect Adventures, Hole in the Wallis best enjoyed as a party event; it can be played locally by up to four people. The Kinect is ideal for this sort of malarkey, and it mimics players' moves accurately: Snigger while your opponents wobble and fall, bicker at your teammate for not leaning back correctly, and so on. This is an amusing game, albeit one without much depth or shelf life.