Monster Island

9 cert, Miniclip, iOS ***

9 cert, Miniclip, iOS ***

Mobile gaming has exploded, and it's not hard to see why. It's cheap, accessible and, with the advent of touch-screen phones, the games are easier to get to grips with. Miniclip's Monster Islanddoes exactly what you'd expect of a mobile game - it entertains for brief bursts, with a simple premise. There's nothing very original about a game built on trajectory and physics; throw that there, see what happens. But it's colourful and has cute sound-effects. You are armed with a number of "minis". Some explode after a few seconds, some explode on contact, and some serve as muscle to knock over objects and plug gaps. At times it requires thought to solve the puzzle, because the monster is awkwardly placed. And timing can be crucial. But there's a sense of satisfaction when you see the quivering lip on the monster who realises he's about to be blown up. An amusing way to waste time.