NHL 12

16 cert, EA PS3 (also Xbox) ****

16 cert, EA PS3 (also Xbox) ****

Hockey wouldn't be one of my sports of choice in real life –too much risk of losing some teeth - but as a videogame I'm  always willing to give it a shot. EA's NHLseries has been a firm favourite over the years, and NHL 12is no exception. Little touches have made it more realistic and engaging. The Full Contact Physics Engine ups the realism when you collide with players on the ice; the more violent clashes certainly make you wince. The AI, meanwhile, has been revamped to be more dynamic, and the goalies have been improved. No longer are keepers simply shot-stoppers, confined to the goal. And you have so many different modes to choose from, it's hard to see a point when you'd simply get sick of playing. You can even play as a legend such as Wayne Gretzky. With the improved Be a Pro mode you can create characters and take them through varied careers.