One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP

12 cert, Bandai Games, Nintendo 3DS

12 cert, Bandai Games, Nintendo 3DS

Don't be misled by the title, which sounds more like a line in swimwear than a popular Anime franchise. One Piece Unlimited Cruise SPmight be familiar to Wii owners, and this re-jig for the 3DS (including episodes 1 and 2) doesn't stray from its origins. A third-person adventure, this has elements of role-playing games (RPG): plenty of inane dialogue, exploration and combat. Playing a ragtag crew of pirates, you explore a mysterious island in search of treasure, fighting nasty natives en route. You can alternate between characters, each with their own specialities. This is a bright, colourful and attractive game and the crew includes an afro-sporting skeleton, warriors and nice animals. A mite cutesy for some (including this writer), One Piece Unlimited Cruise SPshould endear young RPG fans.