Rallying Cry

GAME OF THE WEEK: Dirt 3. 12 cert, Codemasters, Xbox (also PS3, PC)

GAME OF THE WEEK:Dirt 3. 12 cert, Codemasters, Xbox (also PS3, PC)

Great online play, improved graphics and a back-to-basics feel makes Dirt 3among the best racing games out there at the moment. Although it no longer carries the late Colin McCrae's name in the title, it's certainly worthy of it. From the various courses to the handling of the cars, Codemasters has put together a truly absorbing game.

There’s more of a focus this time around on true rallying. The number of rally cars has been boosted. And while there are six racing disciplines to try your hand at, rally events remain top of the pile.

To make things a little more difficult, weather will affect your racing – as it should. It ranges from a simple visual effect to something that can seriously affect your ability to race, causing you to blow out tyres and destroy your car for example.


This ties in with graphics that are, at times, stunning. There’s been much effort put into the different race environments, and the small details really make the game. The sound effects are realistic, from cars to the crowd (although the voice acting is a little poor).

Online play is equally praiseworthy, with several modes to choose from. From Pro-Tour mode, which allows serious racers to build achievements and climb the ladder to success, to the infected mode, which challenges you to stay out of the reach of “infected” vehicles, there’s plenty to keep you coming back.

If there’s one complaint, it’s on the replays. You can save some of your best moments and upload them to YouTube. However, this is limited to small clips – too short for many of the best moments in races.