Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

12 cert, Ubisoft, PS3 ****

12 cert, Ubisoft, PS3 ****

Scott Pilgrim began life as a comic partly inspired by 1980s videogames. It's now a film, which has led to a retro-style videogame inspired by the comic. Confused? This is a side- scrolling, old-school beat-'em- up in the vein of '80s classics such as Double Dragon.Unlike DD, however, Scott Pilgrimis chic and witty as you work your way across seven levels, usually left-to-right, punching and kicking your way through various adversaries (including Emo kids, hipsters and paparazzi). Up to four can play co-operatively, and the variety of moves and weapons is splendid. It's fun to pick up objects (bottles, umbrellas, fallen opponents) and use them as artillery. You can even swat away incoming objects with a baseball bat. Add in amusing cut-scenes from creator Bryan Lee O'Malley and a funky synth score, and you've got a fresh and fun retro game.