Song Pop

12 cert, FreshPlanet Android (also iOS) ****

12 cert, FreshPlanet Android (also iOS) ****

Move over Draw Something, your time is up. The new hot game on the block is Song Pop. It’s a simple premise: you hear a few seconds of a song, then pick from four answers what you think it is. If you’re right, you score points; the faster you answer, the more points you get. The competitive element comes from the fact that it’s a two-player game. You must either challenge or be challenged, and your score runs for the duration of a days-long tournament. And there are several categories to choose

from – hits from today, the 1970s and the 1980s, alternative ’90s, modern rap, classic rock . . . something for all musical tastes. Each round you get to pick from three offered categories, just to keep things fair. The more points you rack up, the more songs you unlock, meaning you aren’t destined to get the same LMFAO sample over and over again. And you can buy new playlists too, with the coins that you build up during the game. A win will only earn you three coins, however, so it’s a bit of a slog. Once you try it, you’re hooked.