APP OF THE WEEK: 12 cert, Six to Start, iOS

APP OF THE WEEK:12 cert, Six to Start, iOS

There are some people who enjoy running – the sense of achievement, the endorphin release, the time to clear your head and think. Then there are the rest of us who do it, grudgingly, because the cheeseburger habit is starting to creep up on us. Whichever category you fit into, Zombies, Run! is the perfect app to challenge yourself.

What better reason to run than to escape the undead hordes? All you need is an iPhone and headphones. The game will prompt you through audio recordings and radio broadcasts between your regular running music tracks. As you run, you pick up supplies that are needed to strengthen the camp and help the small band of survivors to defend against the zombies. These range from ammo to medicine, and when you’re done running, you allocate them as you see fit.

Not only does the app give you serious motivation, but it also works for all levels of runners. You don’t have to be a sprinter to succeed. It works for joggers and long-distance runners, even if you’re more interested in treadmills than road running. There’s interval training, with zombie chase mode, so if you finish the 30 different missions, you can always go for one more sprint session.