Bisque is best

It’s the perfect Christmas Day starter and a welcome change for fish lovers from the prawn cocktail/smoked salmon rotation

It’s the perfect Christmas Day starter and a welcome change for fish lovers from the prawn cocktail/smoked salmon rotation. And what’s more, you can freeze it ahead of the big day.

George’s Fish Shop in Monkstown, Co Dublin (tel: 01-280 2842) has a special on its delicious homemade bisque (crab, prawn and, subject to availability, lobster), with four tubs for €15.

Or why not try making your own – Nick’s Fish is holding two free cooking demonstrations this week with everything you need to do exactly that. Pop along to the Newbridge shop (tel: 045- 440055) on Thursday or its shop in Ashbourne on Friday (tel: 01- 835 3555), both at noon.