What’s making you happy? Incoming baby and eight hours’ sleep

Here’s what is making Irish Times readers happy this week

Each week we ask what’s making Irish Times readers happy. You can join in by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or tweeting using #IrishTimesHappy. Here is a selection of the responses this week:

Meeting my baby for the first time very soon – @hvmmingbyrd

At the moment I'm feeling a bit stressed and low cause I've a big music gig coming up. But what always makes me happy is seeing my childminding kids and getting hugs from them – Jane Willow

I got eight hours uninterrupted sleep , first time in a long time – Fiona


The barista in the café today was Irish so I was able to use my real name when ordering. He spelled it right too! I felt like I was back home – Caoimhe (in Canada)

I'm happy that after a falling out – and not knowing of his illness – that I've reconciled with myself and my friend and found his resting place in a secluded Roscommon graveyard – Tom