Go Gadgets

ADAM HARVEY rounds up the latest travel gadgets

ADAM HARVEYrounds up the latest travel gadgets

Diors off the floor:With the slogan "Get that Dior off the floor", this glitzy handbag hook (€15, www.ibagsit.com) slips over the edge of a restaurant table to suspend a bag off the ground "within your easy reach, not [that of] the person sitting at the table behind you". A fitting solution to a problem you never knew you had.

Fit a Mummy Stay Close(€20, www.babytravel shop.ie) monitor to your child and a receiver you wear around your neck will emit an electronic shriek should the youngster move too far away. How you respond to the alarm is up to you: will you pursue your brood or run as fast as you can in the opposite direction? The manufacturer seems to have thought of all possibilities: the child's unit, which fits around the wrist, also features an SOS button, so they can set off a loud alarm on your transceiver, ending any chance of stealing a moment's peace on the far side of the slippery slide or underneath that bush.

The Lifesystems portable bug killer(£9.99, www.lifesystems.co.uk) is a battery-powered mozzie zapper that is supposed to clear your tent of airborne biters. The odourless scent is harmless to humans (although the instructions say it's for large tents), and the single cartridge will work for seven nights before needing replacement. Two AA batteries will power the bug killer for a week.