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BERNICE HARRISON on alternatives to movies and the mall

BERNICE HARRISONon alternatives to movies and the mall

St Patrick’s weekend

So much is going on this weekend you’d be hard pressed to find the time to stay at home and make green, white and gold trifle – green jelly, cream and custard – or add a couple of drops of green food dye to some fairy-cake or milkshake mix. Dublin is the centre of most activity, from funfairs on Merrion Square to the razzle-dazzle parade through the city on St Patrick’s Day, but all large cities and most towns have some sort of community-based parade.

If St Patrick’s Day isn’t your thing there plenty of interesting outdoor events, because for most people, including school children, this is a long weekend.


It’s Daffodil Week – it ends tomorrow – at Delta Sensory Gardens on the Strawhall estate, on the outskirts of Carlow town. The gardens, which have one of the most extensive collections of daffs in the country, are designed to be multisensory, with splashing fountains, waterfalls, herbs and perfumed plants, many in raised beds (suitable for access by wheelchair). Admission is €5. 059-9143527 or www.deltacentre.org.

Paddy’s Peaks Walking Festival, in Killarney, Co Kerry, features several guided walking tours. There are walks every day this weekend, some more strenuous than others. A great day out for teenagers; the day-long mountain and valley treks are unsuitable for under-12s. Most expeditions cost €20, but if you book for March 17th it’s free. 1850- 566466, www.killarney.ie/ walkkillarney.php