Go Niche

Ghostly good times

Ghostly good times

If you’re up for a scare at bedtime, Ghost Hunt Ireland runs overnight tours to Ross Castle, near Mount Nugent in Co Cavan, reputedly one of Ireland’s most haunted buildings. The tours are a labour of love for aficionado of all things spooky Breda Duggan, who brings groups of up to 15 to the castle. The tours start with dinner and a talk about the castle’s history.

The ancient source of the spectres is thought to be the son of an Irishman and the daughter of an English lord, whose love was forbidden. He died when his boat capsized on Lough Sheelin. “When she saw his body laid out she screamed, and it’s that sound that many people hear when they stay the night,” says Duggan.

On top of that are other voices and apparitions, including a woman and child and a group of three men. “What’s interesting is that the descriptions of the woman and child in particular are so similar,” says Duggan.


The highlight of the night is the “vigil”, spent in pitch darkness in the basement or in the castle’s former great hall. Each is kitted out with CCTV, and participants report any noises, touches or shadows, which are then played back to them in the monitor room.

“We get believers, non-believers and sceptics alike, but whatever the crowd it’s always great fun,” says Duggan. “But be warned: by the time we finish up it can be 4am, so be prepared for a late night.”


Sandra O'Connell

Sandra O'Connell

Sandra O'Connell is a contributor to The Irish Times