Go Travel Tales

E-mail your experiences to go@irish-times.ie

E-mail your experiences to go@irish-times.ie

Phil Funge got in touch about Joan Scales's advice a fortnight ago to a reader who wanted to visit Rovinj, in Croatia

"I was reminded of a lovely place I visited in 2003 while travelling in Croatia.

"I travelled to Klagenfurt, in Austria, with Ryanair and from there took a train down to Ljubliana, about two hours away. From there I took a second train, to Zagreb, another two hours on.


"In Zagreb a very helpful travel agency set up a cheap package to Dubrovnik, flying with Air Croatia and staying at Hotel Kompas.

"While there I hired a car and drove down to Montenegro for a few days, visiting Kotor (fantastic) and an island called Sveti Stefan. Magnificent scenery all the way.

"After I returned to Dubrovnik I travelled to the island of Korcula for a few days and then on up to Split, which was a very pleasant surprise.

"I then got the ferry north to the Istrian Peninsula at Rijeka and went to a magnificent town called Opatija.

"It was beautiful, and although it was October the weather was very warm and sunny. Apparently it enjoys protection from the mountains to the north. Lovely hotels and Adriatic water that you could see right down to the bottom of.

"It is just two hours by coach from Trieste, in Italy, where I caught another Ryanair flight home."