Beit family exhibits at Russborough

THERE’s A John Hinde look to this photograph of Sir Alfred and Lady Beit at their home in Russborough, Co Wicklow which they …

THERE’s A John Hinde look to this photograph of Sir Alfred and Lady Beit at their home in Russborough, Co Wicklow which they filled with a remarkable collection of art and entertained a list celebrities of the day including Fred Astaire, Mick Jagger and Cecil Beaton.

The photograph is part of a cache of old pictures, film reels, diaries and travel memorabilia found in the cellar of the house, and on display from today in a new exhibition to run all summer.

The Beits gifted the house and their art to a foundation for the benefit of the Irish people and the house is open from April to September. The tour of the house, including the exhibition, costs €10 per adult. Children go free.