My Holidays

Michelle Boulé, dancer

Michelle Boulé, dancer

What was your best holiday?

As a dancer I travel a lot. But my last holiday to Peru was one of my best as I gave myself a vacation with no dancing at all.  I loved being in that culture, getting to speak Spanish and eating amazing meals for a dollar. I went with people but enjoyed going for hikes in the mountains by myself at times. We went to Cusco and took a five-day hike to Machu Picchu.

What was your worst holiday?


I was in Hong Kong when I got a stomach bug after drinking something which I did not realise had ice in it. I was also was teaching and performing at the time, so it was challenging.

If budget or work were no restriction what would be your dream holiday?

I really want to go to India. I havn’t been there yet but I have studied some Ayurveda.  I feel like it is so dense yet there is a wealth of information, people and classes. I feel some affinity with the culture so I want to see what it’s like.

Who would you bring on holiday with you if you had your pick?

I’d probably bring my sisters as we’re best friends with each other. My younger sister would like to go hiking and do more off the beaten track travelling and camping, while my older sister likes total luxury. So it would be a wonderful balance.

What’s your favourite place in Ireland?

I went to a beach in west Cork – I don’t remember the name – with a friend one September. It was freezing but I made her get into the sea with me without any wetsuits on. It was so beautiful, the water was like seltzer with different coloured seaweed. It was so amazing.

Your recommended holiday reading?

I tend to take non-fiction with me. One really good book was Just Kidsby Patti Smith. It gives a great picture of two young artists (Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe) in New York at a particular time in the late 1960s and is about their famous relationship. It's also an easy and quick read.

Where will you go to next?

My sister is going to Maui, Hawaii with her husband and their nine-month-old baby and they are taking me with them to mind the baby. It will be a really deluxe trip and I’m really looking forward to it. It’s unheard of that I would have two holidays by March.

* Michelle Boulé performs in Irish Modern Dance Theatre's show Body Duetat Project Arts Centre, Dublin, February 27th to March 3rd,

In conversation with GENEVIEVE CARBERY