My holidays

PHIL PRENDERGAST, MEP: What was your best holiday? About 10 years ago we rented a house in Barleycove, west Cork, with friends…

PHIL PRENDERGAST, MEP: What was your best holiday?About 10 years ago we rented a house in Barleycove, west Cork, with friends we had known for many years and their two terribly entertaining daughters. The days seemed really nice, even though the weather wasn't good all of the time. My two boys would go kayaking into a protected cove, we'd have picnics, and in the evening we'd go for food and drinks. It was just one of those really great holidays.

What was your worst holiday?Four years ago we had the romantic ideal of having a last holiday as a family because my boys were 17 and 19. They wanted to go somewhere new, so we went to Sunny Beach in Bulgaria. In my life I cannot imagine a more nightmarish holiday. The hotel was beside an awful undeveloped wasteland, the pool was overcrowded and the only food to eat in the area was deep-fried everything. It looked very different to the brochure. Coming back, I said we would be much better off holidaying at home than abroad.

If budget or work were not a restriction, what would be your dream holiday?I'd really like to go on holidays to Donegal because much of that side of the country is pretty unfamiliar to me. I don't really want to leave the country because I travel every week for work. I used to associate flying with excitement of holidays but now I get on a plane to go and do a job.

So to stay in Ireland and go to the wilds of Donegal and walk on a rugged beach sounds great.


If you had your pick, who would you bring on holiday with you?I'd bring my husband Ray because he takes me out of my comfort zone and holidays with him are a bit more energetic, with lots of walks. Otherwise I'd love to bring author Marian Keyes as I think she would be brilliant, sensitive and funny.

What's your favourite place in Ireland?We regularly go to Ardmore, Co Waterford, and do the cliff walk. It is stunning, a recharge of the batteries. I really like wrapping up and walking the beach when it's wild and rainy.

Your recommended holiday reading?For work, I read books such as Shane Ross's The Bankers which I would not read on holidays. I like something lighter such Marian Keyes or Jodi Picoult or The Help, by Kathryn Stockett.

Where will you go to next?I've been doing a lot of travelling around Munster with my job. I have noticed little places on my travels that I'd like to go back to such as a beautiful hotel in Kilmallock where I want to go to for a weekend.

Phil Prendergast is Labour MEP for Ireland South