My Holidays

Journalist and broadcaster Joe O’Shea

Journalist and broadcaster Joe O’Shea

Best holiday?Norway's Lofoten Islands inside the Arctic Circle were absolutely stunning. Also a recent trip to Yemen was fascinating and scary, if they sorted out the security it would be amazing for hill trekking and adventure sports.

Worst holiday?A cheap package holiday to Cyprus after my Leaving. I ended up on a building site at a filthy beach covered in rubbish downstream from an oil refinery. It put me off package holidays for life.

Dream holiday?Four months doing the Pan American rally route from the golden age of motor sport in a gullwing Mercedes.


Favourite place in Ireland?The Mizen peninsula where I've my happiest childhood memories; Barleycove, Schull and Crookhaven. We went there every summer and lived a very Swallows and Amazons existence.

Holiday reading?I like to bring big thick history books, the last one I brought was Persian Fire by Tom Holland

Where to next?I'm planning to go to Thailand in the new year.

In conversation with GENEVIEVE CARBERY

Journalist and broadcaster Joe O’Shea’s book Murder, Mutiny and Mayhem: The Blackest-Hearted Villains from Irish History is published by O’Brien Press (€12.99)