My holidays

GENIEVIEVE CARBERY talks to the signer, Niamh Kavanagh

GENIEVIEVE CARBERYtalks to the signer, Niamh Kavanagh

What's your earliest holiday memory?Most of my childhood memories are of holidaying around Ireland and I loved it. We went to places such as Oughterard, Lahinch and Quilty (I always remember that name). When I was 13 we went to the Canaries and that was very exciting as not everyone went abroad at that time.

What was your worst holiday?I had a bad experience when I went to a Eurovision convention in Belgium. The convention was wonderful but I was very sick with a bug. However, there were requirements on me for the four days I was there. So despite being sick I had to play gigs and I had to be nice and pleasant because I was staying with other people. I had left my nine-month-old son with my mum and dad and when I got home discovered he had been sick the whole time I was away too.

What was your best holiday?Every year I take a trip to Rosbeg, Co Donegal with the kids during the summer and go there during Easter and any week I can. I live life there the way I did as a child. We get up and dressed and go out like wildebeests and go bodyboarding. In the evening we sit around and read books.I have been all over the world and on wonderful holidays but they have not filled and renewed me like it does when I go there.


If budget or work were not a restriction, what would be your dream holiday?I'd go to Sydney and travel around Australia. I have never been. My uncle has a restaurant on The Rocks in Sydney and I'd love to visit him. I promised myself as a child that I would sing in the Opera House at some point, so I will go there and sing even if it is on the guided tour. When the kids are older we will go and explore as it's a magnificent country.

If you had your pick, who would you bring on holiday with you?My family as they are so much fun to be around. My husband gets very interested in things when we travel.

What's your favourite place in Ireland?Rosbeg, but Clonakilty comes a close second. I have friends and family in Clonakilty and who you are with is very important to a place.

Your recommended holiday reading?I am a big Terry Pratchett fan but I will read anything – even the back of cornflake boxes. My mother recently gave me Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy. I had to put down The Girl With the Dragon Tattoobecause I am very busy at the moment and know I will just disappear into it.

Where will you go to next?Oslo could be on the cards later in the year but my next planned holiday is to go to Rosbeg at Easter and later maybe Legoland in Windsor near London.

Singer Niamh Kavanagh will perform

It’s For You

in the Eurosong 2010 finale on March 5th.