My Holidays

Letitia Dean talks about her holidays

Letitia Dean talks about her holidays

What's your earliest holiday memory?I remember going skiing in Austria when I was four years old. I was too young to ski but still wore gorgeous leather boots with clasps. I then got a lovely Austrian doll in my Christmas stocking.

What was your worst holiday?My worst holiday was years ago in Torremolinos, Spain. It wasn't terribly exciting and it was falling apart. We had fun, but it's not a place I'd return to. But it's probably changed since then.

What was your best holiday?My best holiday was Lombok, in Indonesia. It was the people, and the culture was beautiful. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I had booked Bali, too, but loved Lombok so much I decided to stay there. The next day the Bali bombings took place. After that I felt guilty for enjoying my holiday.


If budget or work were not a restriction, what would be your dream holiday?My dream holiday would be Richard Branson's private island, Necker, in the British Virgin Islands. I'd have staff, a helicopter, a yacht and pampering. I don't know anyone who has been there, but what from I've seen it is luxurious.

If you had your pick, who would you bring on holiday with you?In real life I'd bring close family and friends, as well as my gorgeous dog, Albie. In fantasy life I'd bring the actor Hugh Jackman. Imagine the entertainment.

What's your favourite place in Ireland?Dublin, just for the people, the warmth and the generosity of spirit that is sometimes lacking in life. I like the laid-back attitude that as long as you are a nice person people will embrace it. It's quite an opportunity to work in Dublin for the first time. My friends have told me about the shops, culture and people.

Your recommended holiday reading?My reading is variable, but I like a nice light read, escapism and light-hearted romance like Sophie Kinsella. My ultimate is trashy magazines thrown in. It depends on where you are and how active you are.

Where will you go to next?I haven't had a holiday in three or four years. I'd like to go somewhere warm. I love city breaks. Florence is one of my favourite places in the world. It would be nice to go somewhere with a lovely beach like the Maldives or Mauritius, with a nice basic hut and very relaxed. I like when you don't have to look in mirrors and can just be yourself.

** Letitia Dean is playing Ms Darbus in High School Musical – Live on Stageat the Gaiety Theatre, Dublin, until April 25th.

** In conversation with Genevieve Carbery