Satisfaction rates rise but value still an issue

SURVEY: TOURIST satisfaction with Ireland is at its highest for years though visitors from the UK still think we’re expensive…

SURVEY:TOURIST satisfaction with Ireland is at its highest for years though visitors from the UK still think we're expensive, Fáilte Ireland has revealed.

Its visitor attitude survey found that 88 per cent of visitors were satisfied with Ireland in 2010, the highest figure since 2005.

The survey was carried out among 4,816 foreign visitors who filled in a questionnaire which was given to them on departure by Fáilte Ireland.

Though not a representative sample, as it is more skewed towards high-earning travellers, it is nonetheless indicative of the general feeling among visitors about Ireland.


The highest satisfaction rating was among North American visitors – 90 per cent of whom would recommend Ireland for a holiday.

The lowest rate was 83 per cent among British visitors. Friendly people and beautiful scenery remain the most important draw for foreign visitors and in that respect the vast majority are not disappointed. Some 96 per cent of visitors believe the scenery to be beautiful while 95 per cent say the people are friendly and 90 per cent believe Ireland has an unspoilt environment.

Just under 40 per cent of those surveyed agreed strongly that Ireland was a unique destination, but almost one in five are non-committal on this issue. Value for money remains the biggest negative drawback for visitors, but the percentage of those who say it is a factor has declined from 21 per cent in 2009 to 15 per cent last year.

British visitors were by far the most likely to complain about the high cost of living with 29 per cent citing it as a drawback, but that is down from 41 per cent in 2009.

Significantly, only 4 per cent of British visitors complained about the sterling differential which augers well for campaigns to reverse the trend in the British market which declined by 500,000 visitors last year.

One in four German holidaymakers noted the high cost of living compared to 32 per cent in 2009. It was only a factor for 8 per cent of North American visitors.

The results were released to coincide with the annual Meitheal, the biggest trade fair of the year which was held in the RDS earlier this week. The event, the biggest for overseas buyers in Ireland every year, attracted 56 new tour operators from overseas.

Fáilte Ireland is hoping for a 4 per cent increase in visitor numbers this year after an “annus horribilis” in 2010 which saw a 15 per cent decline.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times