
A round-up of other travel news in brief

A round-up of other travel news in brief

Dream job update

Irishman George Karellas was told by Australian tourism minister Peter Lawlor on Thursday that he has made the shortlist of 16 for Tourism Queensland’s Best Job in the World. The top 16 will fly to Hamilton Island on May 3rd with the successful candidate for the 150,000-Australian-dollar job as island caretaker, announced on May 6th.

Price war


Parking at Dublin Airport has become very competitive. In response to Quickpark’s €5 daily rate, Dublin Airport Authority has cut its long-term price to €4.50 a day if you book online; Bewleys Hotel is offering eight days’ parking and a night’s stay for €99 per room. www.bewleys, 1890-798999.

Hotel award

Congratulations to the Bush Hotel, in Carrick on Shannon, the first hotel in Ireland or Britain to receive an EU Flower in recognition of its commitment to sustainable tourism and protection of the local environment. Over the past year, the hotel says, it has saved €85,000 by reducing its landfill waste and use of water, electricity and fuel.


Number of people, in thousands, who have e-mailed Brian Cowen and Brian Lenihan to call for the scrapping of the €10 'tourist tax' according to Ryanair. The airport departure tax came into effect last Monday