Go reader Deirdre Walsh got in touch about luggage that went missing when she flew to Portugal last spring

Goreader Deirdre Walsh got in touch about luggage that went missing when she flew to Portugal last spring

"I agree fully with Léon Atkins (December 13th). I travelled with Aer Lingus to Lisbon, in Portugal, on March 26th this year. On arrival I waited at the luggage carousel, but my luggage never appeared. I inquired at the office of Portway, the local luggage handler. The operative checked on the computer and told me my luggage was still in Dublin.

"It was delivered to Lisbon 24 hours later but did not get to the bus station of the nearest big town until the following day. I had to make my own way to the station, so I was missing my luggage for nearly three days of a four-day break.

"On my return to Dublin airport I was informed that Aer Lingus's customer-care department had no phone number and that I should either write to or fax it.


"I wrote to Aer Lingus on April 2nd and did not receive even an acknowledgment. I contacted my insurance company, but it would not look at the claim without anything from Aer Lingus.

"I eventually found a missing-baggage phone number and was told that my claim was being looked at and that no further action was required on my part.

"When I had still not heard by November 2nd, I wrote again, this time sending a registered letter.

"I eventually received a 'without prejudice' letter, apologising for the delay and offering €50 for the first day the luggage was missing and an Aer Lingus travel voucher to the value of €50, both of these to be forwarded 'under separate cover'.

"Needless to say, I have yet to receive this letter.

"While Aer Lingus is probably legally correct in only offering me one day's recompense (if it ever arrives), surely it has a moral obligation to recompense me for the whole of the time I was without the luggage? I was staying 50 miles from Lisbon airport and had neither the transport nor the time to collect it myself, as I had business to conduct.

"I find Aer Lingus's attitude to its regular customers appalling, especially in these straitened times. Unfortunately for me, it is a monopoly provider for this route, and I have no choice but to use it again, and Aer Lingus knows that."

Goreader Christine Scott got in touch about being overcharged

"I was charged twice for the same fare last March. (I had tried unsuccessfully to change a flight.) Aer Lingus acknowledged my letter, but three months later my credit-card statement did not show the reimbursement.

"I Googled the Small Claims Court and completed the form online. Without having to go to court, Aer Lingus sent me a cheque 10 days later.

"In my opinion Aer Lingus does not regret delays. Is its policy to withhold refunds, hoping that the customer will give up?"

Aer Lingus replies"Ms Christine Scott's case was resolved 4th June last.

Ms Deirdre Walsh was in fact sent an acknowledgment on 16th April. A letter was sent to her on 6th December. Her cheque and voucher should have been received at this stage. Both cases were resolved before any involvement from Go."

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