Pricewatch: Value for money

Peppermint tea


€3.50 for 20 bags

These leaves do not come wrapped in any class of silky pillow and there is nothing by way of hand-stitching to be seen and it is all the better for it. This is a wonderful product.

Within five minutes of being introduced to boiling water, your cup will be filled with a lovely strong mint flavour which lingers long on the palate.


We are not entirely delighted by the fact that each tea bag is individually wrapped as it is neither good for the environment nor our patience levels and, while it might keep the tea bags a bit fresher for a bit longer, it does generate needless waste.

Verdict: Excellent

Star rating: * * * * *


€3.99 for 15 bags

The bang off these pyramid-shaped bags! One whiff and you will be transported to a minty paradise. In fact, the smell was so strong – we almost felt like we’d brushed our teeth after a couple of whiffs.

The tea was pretty powerful, too. It has a rich and strong flavour and could best be described as invigorating. We left the tea bag in the water for five minutes and we sort of regretted it as the end result was very, very strong. At €3.99 for 15 bags it is not cheap but it is pretty unique.

Verdict: Very minty

Star rating: ** * *


€2.49 for 15 bags

At least we thought the Tesco Finest peppermint tea was unique until we happened upon the Aldi Specially Selected version. The tea bags look identical. And they smell identical. And the tea tastes identical.

We did some sleuthing (a fancy way of saying we read the back of both boxes) but all we could deduce was that Tesco's tea came from Oregon while the Aldi version was "the product of more than one country".

With all things being equal, then, it comes down to price and, as these are cheaper than the Tesco Finest option, they win.

Verdict: Quite brilliant

Star rating: *****


€6.50 for 15 bags

Java Republic is an Irish brand and a brand we are – ordinarily – well disposed to. We picked this product up without actually looking at the price and were horrified to be asked for €6.50 at the till.

These bags were over twice the price of the cheapest option and a whole lot dearer than their most direct competition.

We were also somewhat flabbergast to read that the silky bags in which the tea sits were hand-stitched? Is that really necessary?

Pricewatch is not entirely sure it wants to be the kind of person who buys hand-stitched tea bags. In terms of flavour, it is perfectly fine – and it has won awards but it is just too dear for us.

Verdict: Far too dear for us

Star rating: **