FF deputy says he will not do `penance'

A Fianna Fail backbencher told the Dail he had "no intention of doing the penance of any former members of this party"

A Fianna Fail backbencher told the Dail he had "no intention of doing the penance of any former members of this party". Mr Sean Power (FF, Kildare South) said some of the evidence given at the tribunals had been very embarrassing for Fianna Fail.

"But we are not the only party that should be embarrassed," he said. "Unfortunately, some former members of the party have been shown up in a very poor light. Thousands of ordinary members of Fianna Fail have been sickened and some of the practices were despicable. But we must let the tribunals deal with those involved. I have no intention of doing the penance of any former members of this party."

Mr Power was one of three Government speakers on the Fine Gael motion. However, he was the only one to refer to recent controversies.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, spoke of the Government's achievements on the North while the Minister for Health, Mr Martin, concentrated on health and education.


Mr Martin said the Government made a commitment to real action on socially-progressive policies which "have combined major increases in resources with new approaches which are already making a major difference". This administration had "put in place the largest concentrated programme to modernise education in the history of the State".

Mr Martin said the Government did not attempt to deny there were problems in the health system. "But unlike the Opposition we are not trying to sell the false promise of easy answers. We are providing funding, we are reforming service provision and we are radically expanding services for key groups such as the elderly and people with disabilities."

Mr Cowen said the Government, under the "visionary leadership of the Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, played a central and vital role in the long and difficult negotiations that led to the Good Friday agreement in 1998".

He said that since the Government came to office "bringing a just and lasting peace to all of the people of this island has been our highest priority".