Minister paints pretty picture

MINISTER JIMMY Deenihan made history this week when a report, the second National Biodiversity Plan, was published and its front…

MINISTER JIMMY Deenihan made history this week when a report, the second National Biodiversity Plan, was published and its front cover featured a picture he had painted himself in just 15 minutes. It is the first time a Minister’s painting has ever been used to illustrate a report.

The Wildlife Service spotted the picture when it was used in The Irish Timesduring the Queen's visit.

Jimmy’s masterpiece shows his local bog with heathers, bog cotton and the multitude of flora which carpets it.

Not bad at all, our experts tell us. Is there no end to this man’s talent?


It was nice to see Noel Gregory, brother of the late Tony, at Michael D’s inauguration yesterday. A biography of Tony Gregory will be launched this Friday at the Pillar Room in the Rotunda.

Written by academic Robbie Gilligan, the book promises to reveal “the real Tony”.