Politicians to mind their language

DEPUTIES AND Senators have been sent a Plain English Style Guide , which has been produced by the Oireachtas Service and the …

DEPUTIES AND Senators have been sent a Plain English Style Guide, which has been produced by the Oireachtas Service and the National Adult Literacy Agency to help members communicate better with the outside world.

“The aim of the project is to ensure that the parliament uses language that is accessible to everyone. It should be helpful to you when producing material that seeks to explain the workings and procedures of the Oireachtas to the general public,” the politicians have been told.

Meanwhile, A Plain English Guide to the Oireachtasis with the printers and will be launched in Leinster House next Friday. The guide, which has been awarded the Plain English Standard, is aimed at both visitors to Leinster House and voters and explains the Irish political system in simple terms.