Mugabe’s 91st birthday party to have elephant on the menu

The lavish celebration for the Zimbabwean president’s 91st will be held on February 28th

Wild animals including elephants are to be slaughtered and served at Robert Mugabe’s birthday party later this month, according to media reports, angering conservationists who branded the plans unethical.

The lavish celebration for the Zimbabwean president’s 91st will be held on February 28th on a championship golf course at the Elephant Hills Resort, a luxury hotel with spa, swimming pool and tennis courts at Victoria Falls. An estimated 20,000 people are expected to attend.

Villagers said the animals were part of their annual hunting quota and donating them meant no income for the year. Local farmer Tendai Musasa has pledged to donate two elephants, two buffalo, two sables, five impalas and a lion worth a combined €106,000 towards the jamboree, Zimbabwe's Chronicle newspaper said.

Mugabe's government is already under fire for a plan to export 27 live elephants to China. – Guardian service