Three members of Irish family injured in Australian crash

Australia driver (56) killed and man in other car charged with drink-driving

Three members of an Irish family have been hospitalised with serious injuries following a fatal road crash in Australia.

Gerard and Marguerite Brosnan, of Port Road, Killarney, Co Kerry, were visiting their daughters in Perth when the station wagon in which they were travelling was in collision with a sedan car on Sunday night.

The 56-year-old Australian driver of the station wagon was killed in the crash and the five passengers, including the Kerry couple and their daughter, Karen (28), were all removed to hospital.

The passengers were freed from the wreckage by firefighters.


The 20-year-old driver of the sedan, who was not injured, was arrested at the scene and has been charged with drink-driving.

Gerard Brosnan (55), a Killarney National Park employee, is in the intensive care unit of the Royal Perth Hospital and is described as critical but stable.

Marguerite (52), is serious but stable, as is Karen, according to the hospital.

The couple went to Australia a week prior to Christmas to visit Karen, another daughter, Claire, Claire’s partner, Mark, and their young grandson.

The couple were due to fly home this Friday, but they may be hospitalised for some time.

The extended Brosnan family, well-known in the Killarney area, are in a state of shock and are maintaining regular contact with relatives and friends in Australia, as they try to get more information about the crash and its aftermath.

“Everyone was just relaxing during Christmas when the news came out of the blue,’’ Gerard’s brother, Seán, said yesterday.

“We’re hoping and praying they’ll be alright. We’re getting a lot of calls and support from people, which is greatly appreciated at this difficult time for the family.’’

The driver of the other vehicle also faces two counts of dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm and three counts of dangerous driving causing bodily harm.He has been released on bail and is due in court on February 3rd.