BA launches pilot hunt on YouTube

British Airways is using YouTube as part of its biggest pilot recruitment drive in more than 10 years, it was announced today…

British Airways is using YouTube as part of its biggest pilot recruitment drive in more than 10 years, it was announced today.

The recruitment plans also include the launch of a joint initiative with the armed forces to provide military pilots with a planned career path into commercial aviation.

BA plans to take on more than 800 new pilots by 2016 and is also hoping to recruit qualified pilots from other airlines.

BA has a dedicated YouTube site and anyone interested in becoming a pilot can get on to the site and learn about the training programme.


This future pilot programme will help about 400 applicants to gain a place at an approved flight training school, with successful candidates landing a job as a BA pilot.

Previously people have been prevented or deterred from starting a career as an airline pilot due to the initial private training costs of around £100,000 which they have had to find themselves.

The programme will help students to secure funding to train as a pilot which they can pay back later in their career.