Death Track Resurrection

GAME REVIEW: 12 cert, Sky Fallen Entertainment, PS3 ***

GAME REVIEW:12 cert, Sky Fallen Entertainment, PS3 ***

Every second racing game is set in the future. It's always a dystopia featuring an imaginary bloodthirsty audience. Death Track Resurrectionis an aggressive racer that combines combat with the contest. Guns are mounted on cars roofs, other racers shunt and bump you, and you're even rewarded for destroying condemned buildings by the side of the track. Money is accumulated by giving the audience what they want. Gravity-defying stunts are encouraged (the mid-air controls are good), and aggressive driving is essential.

The controls are ideal: your index fingers control speed and breaks and your thumbs will tap at your weapons. Like many racers, there’s a little too much drift in the turns, but the vehicles generally handle well. And I really dug the grungy cyberpunk graphics. Enjoyable, frivolous stuff.