SingStar Ultimate Party | Game Review

Alright for a bit of karaoke, but far from an ultimate party experience

Singstar Ultimate Party
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Publisher: Sony
Reviewed On: Playstation 4
Cert: 3
Available On: Playstation 3,Playstation 4

Karaoke may feel like a slow form of torture when someone is murdering Journey at 10 decibels above comfortable, but put an element of competition into it. That’s where Singstar has carved its niche. The game pits friend against friend, brother against sister, in a sing-off that would rival the X Factor – but with more talent and a more realistic ending.

But sadly, Singstar Ultimate Party fails to live up to its title. Unlike previous versions, where you could ignore the cringe-inducing singing because it was a bit of fun, Singstar Ultimate Party simply isn't that much fun. Sony has stripped out some of the game modes so it feels like there are less options in the new version. There are some nice new menus, but lets face it, menus aren't exactly fun, are they?

Tracks featured include everything from recent hits by Avicii to older songs from TLC. Your smartphone is also being brought into the fold, as a wireless mic that connects with your console through an app ( iPhone and Android). So if you don’t have the official mics for Singstar, it’s not a problem. Unless, of course, you feel a bit daft singing at your smartphone, which is entirely possible.

In short? It’s alright, but all the smartphone apps and social features can’t change the fact that this isn’t even close to being the “ultimate” Singstar party.