Trending: Good Housekeeping

The stretch in the evening is wonderful but it also highlights cobwebs and others signs of neglect that you didn’t see during…

The stretch in the evening is wonderful but it also highlights cobwebs and others signs of neglect that you didn’t see during winter’s darker days, turning the most household chore-resistant into zealous cleaners.

Ostrich feather dusters are a fairly glamorous – or camp, depending on your sartorial style – way to work your house over, especially if you don a turban and platforms. But laugh not, the tiny barbules on the ostrich feathers act like fingers getting into every nook and cranny hence their efficacy at removing cobwebs. Who knew? These dusters are available to buy at Article (01-6799268, in the Powerscourt Townhouse Centre, Dublin 2, and come in three sizes; 35cm, 50cm and 80 cm. Prices range from €16.95 to €30.

Clodagh, former Irish fashion designer turned New York-based interiorista, finds lemon juice especially good for cleaning surfaces such as stainless steel. She also uses it on her butcher block. “It’s natural, fresh, and biodegradable,” she told Elle Décor in the US. “I love the smell. And when I’m done cleaning, I make marmalade out of the lemon rind.”

But who has time to make cleaning fluid out of lemons? Alma Win orange oil cleaner is a wonderful completely biodegradable all-purpose cleaner that features essential orange and lemon oils. Distributed by Natural Selection (01-2990700, it costs €8.95 and can be purchased online or at health shops and select supermarkets. It will make your home smell fruity and fragrant.