Readers in US: Share your reaction to the US election results

Who did you vote for? What’s the mood like where you live? Let us know

A voter walks toward a polling location on election day in Austin, Texas. - Americans voted on Tuesday under the shadow of a surging coronavirus pandemic to decide whether to reelect Republican Donald Trump, one of the most polarising presidents in US history, or send Democrat Joe Biden to the White House. Photograph: Jason Connolly / AFP

As the result of the presidential election in the United States is confirmed, The Irish Times is looking to hear from our readers living there.

Who did you vote for? What is the mood like where you are? Are you relieved and joyful, or disappointed, angry or worried?

You can send us your thoughts, opinions and observations using this form. Please include a little information about you - if you emigrated from Ireland, when and where you are from originally, where you live now, and how you voted. You may attach a photograph of yourself, or a picture related to the election, if you wish.

A selection of submissions will be published on

American voters faced few technical issues and only occasional lines on election day. Due to the high number of early votes cast this year - more than 100 million - a conclusive result may not be available for days or even weeks. Video: CNBC

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