Number of long-term unemployed down more than 1,500 on last year

June sees small increase in the number of people on the Live Register, which broadly tracks the labour market

The number of people in long-term unemployment fell by more than 1,500 in June compared with the same month last year, data from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) shows.

The seasonally adjusted Live Register total for June was 182,700 people, which represented an increase of 100 people, or 0.1 per cent from May.

Although the Live Register is not a measure of unemployment as people with part-time work can be entitled to benefits, it does broadly track changes in the labour market.

The unadjusted Live Register total stood at 184,879 persons for June. Of these, 52.1 per cent were men and 70 per cent were Irish.


The 35-44 age group made up the largest number of those on the Live Register at 43,501 people, or 23.5 per cent.

CSO statistician Conor Delves said there were 22,993 people benefitting from the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive included in the figures for June, which was an increase of 183 from May.

The counties that saw the largest percentage increase in the number of people on the Live Register in the 12 months to June were Kerry (14.3 per cent), and Leitrim (12.4 per cent).

The number of people on the Live Register for one year or more in June was 65,909, down 1,577 from a year earlier. There were 118,970 persons (64.4 per cent) on the Live Register for less than one year.

Separate figures from the CSO this week showed the unemployment rate in the Republic was unchanged in June, but that youth unemployment is increasing.

It showed the seasonally adjusted rate of joblessness stayed at the record low of 3.8 per cent recorded in May. That was down from 3.9 per cent in April, and lower than the 4.2 per cent recorded in June last year.

The seasonally adjusted number of people who were unemployed in June was 105,400, compared with 102,800 in May.

Economists consider an unemployment rate of 4 per cent or less as full employment.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter