Death of Susan O’Reilly, former wife of Sir Anthony O’Reilly

She is survived by her daughters Susie, Justine, Caroline and by her sons Cameron, Gavin and Tony

Sir Anthony O’Reilly. Photograph: Alan Betson

Susan O’Reilly, the former wife of Sir Anthony O’Reilly, has died in London.

Ms O'Reilly, née Cameron, married the Irish businessman in 1962. The pair met three years earlier in Sydney when Mr O'Reilly had been touring Australia and New Zealand as a player on the British and Irish Lions rugby tour.

Together they had six children in the space of four years, including triplets, before eventually separating in the 1980s.

She is survived by her daughters Susie, Justine, Caroline and by her sons Cameron, Gavin and Tony, as well as 23 grandchildren in Ireland, England, Malta, Australia and the US.

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times