Folens to create 25 new jobs

Irish educational publisher Folens is to create 25 new jobs with the establishment of a high-tech spin off company called Apierian…

Irish educational publisher Folens is to create 25 new jobs with the establishment of a high-tech spin off company called Apierian.

The jobs, which will be advertised over the next few days, will be mainly in online editorial and multimedia software development according to the publisher.

The new business will focus on mobile and online learning solutions for students in Ireland, with the initial products consisting of interactive assessment and e-learning courses for students preparing for Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate exams.

Half of the jobs will be created in the coming year with the remainder being rolled out in the following 24 month period.

Folens group managing director, John Cadell said: “We are hugely aware of the significance of adding jobs of value to the economy and are thrilled to be announcing the creation of 25 high-tech, highly skilled jobs today”.