Gates returns to software roots

So the end of the world came and went, but did anyone notice the difference

So the end of the world came and went, but did anyone notice the difference. No, I'm not harping on again about the damp squib that has been the millennium bug so far, but about the departure of the prophet from the pedestal of the Microsoft corporate tree.

As we enter the second decade of the burgeoning Internet era, there were times it appeared Bill Gates had always been with us and always would be - a patern alistic hand charting the way ahead and knowing always "what was good for us".

Now, battered by the US judicial system and adverse public comment in the aftermath of the tortuous antitrust trial, he is moving aside to allow the more chummy face of Steve Ballmer take the helm.

Still, it's hard to feel too sorry for Mr Gates with his $80 billion (€78 billion) fortune. After all, how many of us could dream up a title of "chief software architect" and then slip into it?

Dominic Coyle

Dominic Coyle

Dominic Coyle is Deputy Business Editor of The Irish Times