Don’t miss out on Web Summit pub crawls

Most serious tech business ideas kick off over a pint or two, so be sure to use this to navigate your way around the post Summit nightlife happening here in Dublin city

For the Summit theere’s a messaging and networking app for those attending the Summit. And then there’s the Pub Crawl app.

There’s a messaging and networking app for those attending the Summit. Web Summit Chat is for finding and connecting with relevant people - search by keyword, location, etc. More importantly there’s the Pub Crawl app!

As you know, most serious tech business ideas kick off over a pint or two, so be sure to use this to navigate your way around the post Summit nightlife happening here in Dublin city. It’s basically pub listings, maps, details along with info on the nearest pub to you and a guestbook for checking in with fellow attendees so don’t miss out on any of the action, and the Twitter stream from #WebSummit thrown in for good measure.