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Urban planning game SimCity adding offline mode

Fans were ecstatic when iconic urban planning computer game SimCity
was given a new lease of life last year.

The good news, however, didn’t last for long when it was discovered that players had to be logged on at all times to play – especially with all the server connectivity problems that hampered its launch period.

It looks as though developers were listening to the cries
of outrage because an
offline mode is coming as
a free download with the
next update.

There will also be a series of new tutorials designed to inspire “modders” interested in creating custom buildings for their cities.



This website is a great mixture of popular culture and science news; you'll find everything from cool science experiments (what happens when you drop a cannonball into a bath of mercury) to an animated video explaining quantum physics. My favourite is a 50-second video showing you how to uncork a bottle of wine using your shoe. Or the clip of a penguin falling over and making the most adorable sound. This kind of browsing feels less of a guilty pleasure when it's technically science-related.


Facebook unfrienders
Unfriend Notify is a Chrome and Firefox browser extension for the most paranoid of social networkers; it notifies you when someone "unfriends" you on Facebook. This plug-in appears inside your Facebook profile page alongside your friends count, recently added, etc. I think it's rather sad that someone would want to see a running count of "lost friends" and it's irritating that one can no longer slip away unnoticed into the great digital beyond. There are things like this for Twitter too, such as http://unfollowers.me. Useful for brands perhaps, but not so good for the ego.
