Web Log: Google Santa Tracker

Finally, GPS technology has caught up with Santa's hectic delivery schedule. Head to this page on Christmas Eve
to see old Saint Nick and
his reindeer as they make their way across the globe, delivering presents to well-behaved boys and girls.

While you're waiting, there are mini-games and cute animated sequences to keep you entertained. New surprises are unlocked every day as it gets nearer December 25th. Fantastic!


Like Counter Pro
Retailers with a Facebook page for their business or a specific campaign might like this quirky little app. It turns your iPad into a live display
as you clock up Facebook "likes". Prop your iPad up on a counter for customers to see and perhaps generate interest and some more "likes". The display is a counter with a choice of six animated backgrounds.
A nice addition even for museums, hotels, or any organisation really.


Parkbytext releases iOS and Android apps
Parkbytext's handy text or dial to park functionality has been extended to app form. If you haven't used this service before, you simply sign up for an account, put credit on it and register your car's registration number.

It replaces pay and display so you can dispense with parking meters in Irish Rail’s nationwide car parks, college campus sites and other locations around Ireland.


The iPhone and Android apps allow you to top up your account, create monthly and weekly parking permits and find nearby car parks.
