Police unable to attribute Crossmaglen arms haul to any group

Significant cache was found last October, including 10 firearms and a large quantity of ammunition

epa07261133 (FILE) - Northern Ireland's PSNI crest outside Antrim police station in Antrim, Northern Ireland, 02 May 2014 (reissued 04 January 2019). British media reports on 04 January 2019 state Police Service of Northern Ireland, PSNI has asked up to 1,000 officers to be deployed in Northern Ireland as a reinforcement in case of a no-deal Brexit. Authorities fear violence could occur if a hard border will be established between EU member Ireland and Northern Ireland.  EPA/PAUL MCERLANE
Officers found the weapons and ammunition in a constructed hide, which was buried in a hedgerow on agricultural land. Photograph: Paul McErlane/PA

It has not been possible to attribute a haul of weapons found during a search in south Armagh last year to any one group, police have said.

A significant cache was found, including 10 firearms, a telescopic sight, magazines and a large quantity of ammunition, during the search operation in Crossmaglen.

Police said the proactive search operation took place in the Monog Road area from October 30th to 31st.

Officers found the weapons and ammunition in a constructed hide, which was buried in a hedgerow on agricultural land.


They have issued photographs of a pistol and a shotgun that were found as part of an appeal for information.

A police spokesperson said the firearms found included five revolvers, two Glock pistols, one AR-15 assault rifle and two shotguns.

“Forensic inquiries are ongoing and therefore it isn’t, at this stage, possible to attribute the weapons to a particular group or organisation,” police said.

“While we must keep an open mind about the origins of the weapons, there’s no doubt that this haul is significant and had the potential to seriously harm or kill.

“The discovery and seizure is a welcome step in disrupting criminal activity and preventing potential loss of life.”

Police have asked anyone with information to contact officers on 101, or the independent charity Crimestoppers, who guarantee complete anonymity, on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org.