Crosaire No 16630 by Crossheir – Monday, April 30th, 2018

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Build (build = DUBLI-) redevelopment (= anagram indicator) with new (-N) (DUBLIN) capital (DUBLIN),

9 The bare bones (SKELETON) of novel (= anagram indicator) Ken stole (Ken stole = SKELETON),

10 Co-workers not getting worse (‘co-workers’ not getting ‘worse’ = cokr = CORK) on the bottle (CORK),


11 Do students look up to this (BLACKBOARD) director’s group (B-OARD) admitting shortfall (-LACK-) relates to the first billion? (first ‘billion’ = -B-) (BLACKBOARD),

12 Detective (D-I) admits showing off (= anagram indicator) help (help = -ELPH-) (DELPHI) in home of ancient informant perhaps (DELPHI),

14 Angered (angered = RENEGAD-) criminal (= anagram indicator) with Oriental (east = -E) (RENEGADE) outlaw (RENEGADE),

15 Primitive (UNSOPHISTICATED) organisation (UN-) linked to Cosmopolitan (-SOPHISTICATED) (UNSOPHISTICATED),

18 Rent ugly (rent ugly = URGENTLY) building (= anagram indicator) as soon as you can (URGENTLY),

20 Yale is (Yale is = EASILY) developing (= anagram indicator) without difficulty (EASILY),

22 Family member (MA-) is new (-N-) butler (-SERVANT) (MANSERVANT) in Batman (army batman = MANSERVANT),

24 Some window notice (some ‘window notice’ = DOWN) for those low in spirits (DOWN),

25 Update (RENOVATE) judge (R-ATE) imprisoning middlemen (middle ‘men’ = -E-) in winter (-NOV-) (RENOVATE),

26 Car (model T-) is no trouble (-EASE-) in fourth gear (fourth ‘gear’ = -R) (TEASER) – work that one out? (TEASER).


1 Who’s missing from powerhouse (‘whos’ missing from ‘powerhouse’ = poerue = EUROPE) in the old world? (EUROPE),

2 Snow ­(flake) isn’t finished (e) (‘flake’ without ‘e’ = FLAK) with criticism (FLAK),

3 Short (w) winter blanket  (‘snow’ without ‘w’ = SNO-) at hostelry (B&B = -BB-) is (-IS-) from hotel (-H) (SNOBBISH) – the elitist type (SNOBBISH),

4 Haitians have no hint (‘Haitians’ have no ‘hint’ = aias = ASIA) this is in the east (ASIA),

5 Tape (REC-) weekend (end of ‘week’ = -K-) broadcast (-ON-) (RECKON) of workout (work out/surmise = RECKON),

6 Fruit (LEMON-), drugs (-GRASS) (LEMONGRASS) or herb (LEMONGRASS),

7 Most of (t) the wine (‘port’ without ‘t’ = POR-) from narrow range of hills (-RIDGE) (PORRIDGE) is best consumed first thing in the morning (PORRIDGE),

13 Statement  (PROFESSION) by one of those in 21 down, for example (‘lawyer’, for example = PROFESSION),

14 Dodgy (RISKY) teacher (sir = RIS-) goes back (= reversal indicator) to Kerry (-KY) (RISKY),

16 Rants are (rants are = NARRATES) useless (= anagram indicator) and that tells a tale (NARRATES),

17 Name (IDENTITY) one (I-) key (music key -D-) creature (-ENTITY) (IDENTITY),

19 No gold in grand total (no ‘gold’ in ‘grand total’ = rantta = TARTAN) for the man of cloth (TARTAN),

21 Women (-W-) in early (early = LA-YER) settlement (= anagram indicator) (LAWYER) up in front of the judge (LAWYER),

23 Sample of Senegalese (sample of ‘Senegalese’ = ALES) drinks in the bar (ALES),

24 Characters in episode allowed (characters in ‘episode allowed’ = DEAL) to sell drugs (DEAL).