Crosaire No 16704 by Crossheir – Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Tuts leaving bus station (‘tuts’ leaving ‘bus station’ = bsaion = BOSNIA) in eastern Europe (BOSNIA),

9 Bodyguard (HENCHMAN) from concert hall (National Concert Hall = -NCH-) embraced by tough guy (HE-MAN) (HENCHMAN),

10 Concealed by psychopath you’d (“psychopath you’d” = ATHY) come across in Kildare (ATHY),


11 Pat incites (Pat incites = ANTISEPTIC) trouble (= anagram indicator) by preventing the spread of microorganisms (ANTISEPTIC),

12 Father (P-A) holds young girl (lass) briefly (s) (‘lass’ without ‘s’ = -LAS-) getting medium (-M-) (PLASMA) supply of blood (blood PLASMA),

14 Put down (BAD-MOUTH) in old capital (old capital/money = Deutschmark = -D-M-) for the French – where? (French ‘where’ = -OU-) In Bath! (BA-TH) (BAD-MOUTH),

15 Is suspended before Christmas (hang up STOCKING) for taking little bits of paper (newspaper FILLERS) (STOCKING FILLERS) and hiding seasonal trinkets (STOCKING FILLERS),

18 It’s off-putting (FOUL) in The Abbey (PLAY in The Abbey Theatre) (FOUL PLAY) and it’s bound to attract the whistles (FOUL PLAY),

20 Graduate (MA-) party (DUP = -D- UP) includes drug (-E) (MADE UP) that’s unreal (MADE UP),

22 Sour (ASTRINGENT) article (A-) from freelancer (stringer) for the most part (r) (‘stringer’ without ‘r’ = -STRINGE-) that’s not heartless (that’s ‘not’ heartless = -NT) (ASTRINGENT),

24 No gap in the package (no ‘gap’ in the ‘package’ = acke = CAKE) from Madeira, for example (CAKE),

25 Poured a glass (MEASURED) to assess (MEASURE-) the last of the blend (the last of the ‘blend’ = -D) (MEASURED),

26 Serbia (Serbia = RABIES) misrepresented (= anagram indicator) as poor state for boxers (RABIES).


1 Tailor-made without aide (‘tailor-made’ without ‘aide’ = tlorma = MORTAL) – deadly! (MORTAL),

2 Have one’s heart set on (ENVY) responsively releasing spoilers (“responsively” releasing “spoilers” = envy = ENVY),

3 Still (CAL-M-) swallowing a (-A-) fair amount of (half of) Qatari (half of ‘Qatari’ = -ARI) (CALAMARI) fish dish (CALAMARI),

4 Bar (SHUT) locks in Honshu tourist (locks in ‘Honshu tourist’ = SHUT),

5 Fresh (UNUSED) mint? (UNUSED),

6 Informs on (SHOP-S-) old (-O-) sandwich-maker (Deli = -ILED) – turnover (= reversal indicator) (SHOP-SOILED) might have gone through a number of hands in the store (SHOP-SOILED),

7 Cook (= anagram indicator) caters in (caters in = CANISTER) metal container (CANISTER),

13 US reclaims (US reclaims = SECULARISM) settlement (= anagram indicator) emphasising divisions in church and state (SECULARISM),

14 Pay off (BU-Y) includes great (-G-) lead guitarist (lead ‘guitarist’ = -G-) (BUGGY) for an historic gig (gig/horse-drawn carriage = BUGGY),

16 Turns up (= reversal indicator), proceeds of crime (loot = TOOL) found on woman (SHE-) leading Duma (leading ‘Duma’ = -D) (TOOL SHED) – a place synonymous with hammer and sickle perhaps (TOOL SHED),

17 Goes up (= reversal indicator) road (MI = IM-) to fully developed (-MATURE) (IMMATURE) green (IMMATURE),

19 Those in solitary confinement (LONERS) or on the outside? (LONERS),

21 Maintenance (UPKEEP) of university (U-) creates pressure (-P-) on store (store/save = -KEEP) (UPKEEP),

23 Lose rag in garden’s (lose “rag” in “gardens” = dens = ENDS) borders (ENDS),

24 Starts cock-and-bull story (starts ‘cock-and-bull story’ = CABS) in airport queue (CABS).